Don GiovanniLucio BattistiNumero Uno, PL 70991P:100,00% | MAX: 1 | NS: 102
CockerJoe CockerCapitol, 64 2404241P:71,15% | MAX: 2 | NS: 103
9 settimane e mezzo[OST]Capitol, 64 2404991P:64,92% | MAX: 2 | NS: 134
Soggetti smarritiRenato ZeroZerolandia, ZL 34387P:49,16% | MAX: 3 | NS: 75
Dirty workRolling StonesRolling Stones, CBS 86321P:44,74% | MAX: 4 | NS: 96
The dream of the blue turtlesStingA&M, 393 750 1P:39,52% | MAX: 1 | NS: 487
BugieLucio DallaPressing, ZL 70960P:30,92% | MAX: 1 | NS: 208
Cock Robin [Thought you were on my side]Cock RobinCBS, CBS 26448P:26,53% | MAX: 6 | NS: 119
Absolute beginners [integrale][OST]Virgin, VD 2514P:24,60% | MAX: 9 | NS: 510
Nuovi eroiEros RamazzottiDDD, DDD 26979P:22,79% | MAX: 10 | NS: 111
Rocky IV[OST]Scotti Bros., SZ 40203P:22,62% | MAX: 2 | NS: 1812
ParadePrince and the RevolutionPaisley Park, 92 5395 1P:20,43% | MAX: 12 | NS: 713
OdisseaMangoFonit Cetra, LPX 149P:20,07% | MAX: 12 | NS: 914
Io e RedRed CanzianCGD, CGD 20498P:19,99% | MAX: 14 | NS: 715
SoPeter GabrielVirgin, PG 5P:19,44% | MAX: 15 | NS: 216
PromiseSadeEpic, EPC 86318P:19,33% | MAX: 1 | NS: 2917
RispettoZuccheroPolydor, 829 301 1P:15,01% | MAX: 17 | NS: 318
CantautoreNino D'AngeloVis Radio, LP 1001P:13,40% | MAX: 15 | NS: 719
The colour of springTalk TalkEMI, 64 2404911P:13,16% | MAX: 7 | NS: 1420
Freeway estate '86[vari]WEA, 24 0922 1P:12,38% | MAX: 20 | NS: 321
Branduardi canta YeatsAngelo BranduardiMusiza, 829 476 1P:11,18% | MAX: 21 | NS: 222
From luxury to heartacheCulture ClubVirgin, V2380P:10,03% | MAX: 17 | NS: 823
Black celebrationDepeche ModeMute, STUMM 26P:9,68% | MAX: 13 | NS: 924
Big worldJoe JacksonA&M, 396 021 1P:9,06% | MAX: 20 | NS: 825
BlueDoublePolydor, 827 738 1P:8,61% | MAX: 6 | NS: 1926
Mina/OrnellaMina / Ornella VanoniCGD, COM 20490P:7,33% | MAX: 19 | NS: 727
Whitney HoustonWhitney HoustonArista, ARS 39205P:7,23% | MAX: 21 | NS: 1328
Picture bookSimply RedElektra, 96 0452 1P:7,19% | MAX: 8 | NS: 3129
Sanremo 86 [CBS][vari]CBS, CBS 88678P:6,29% | MAX: 4 | NS: 1430
Matt Bianco [Yeh yeh]Matt BiancoWEA, 24 0880 1P:6,14% | MAX: 24 | NS: 1131
C'è poesiaLoretta GoggiFonit Cetra, TLPX 153P:6,06% | MAX: 31 | NS: 132
La vita è adessoClaudio BaglioniCBS, CBS 26533P:5,79% | MAX: 1 | NS: 5133
Il fiumeGarboPolydor, 827 970 1P:5,30% | MAX: 28 | NS: 534
PleasePet Shop BoysParlophone, 64 2405201P:4,92% | MAX: 27 | NS: 535
5150Van HalenWarner Bros, 92 5394 1P:4,60% | MAX: 32 | NS: 736
Truthdare doubledareBronski BeatLondon, 828 010 1P:4,55% | MAX: 36 | NS: 237
Brothers in armsDire StraitsVertigo, 824 499 1P:4,22% | MAX: 4 | NS: 4838
The secret value of daydreamingJulian LennonCharisma, CAS 1171P:4,21% | MAX: 36 | NS: 739
Different lightBanglesCBS, CBS 26659P:3,85% | MAX: 39 | NS: 540
Kiss me Licia e i Bee Hive[vari]Five, FM 13557P:3,66% | MAX: 19 | NS: 1541
Le più belle romanze e canzoniLuciano PavarottiDecca, 417 451 1DHP:3,52% | MAX: 27 | NS: 342
Jennifer Rush [Madonna's eyes]Jennifer RushCBS, CBS 26177P:3,38% | MAX: 42 | NS: 343
Never too muchHong Kong SyndicatCGD, INT 20496P:3,34% | MAX: 43 | NS: 344
Home and abroadStyle CouncilPolydor, 829 143 1P:3,31% | MAX: 44 | NS: 145
Ciak/Le più belle musiche da film[vari]WEA, 24 1504 1P:3,21% | MAX: 39 | NS: 346
A te cara mammaEnrico MusianiFonotil, FNT 4012P:3,16% | MAX: 29 | NS: 247
Lives in the balanceJackson BrowneAsylum, 96 0457 1P:3,13% | MAX: 26 | NS: 1248
E' tutto un attimoAnna OxaCBS, CBS 26884P:3,12% | MAX: 22 | NS: 1049
Welcome to the real worldMr. MisterRCA, PL 89647P:2,93% | MAX: 20 | NS: 1450
Scialpi [In solitudine]ScialpiRCA Italiana, PL 70987P:2,86% | MAX: 36 | NS: 1451
Hunting high and lowA-HaWarner Bros, 92 5300 1P:2,45% | MAX: 14 | NS: 2452
Action 2[vari]CGD, COM 20502P:2,40% | MAX: 52 | NS: 253
Animal magicBlow MonkeysRCA, PL 70910P:2,36% | MAX: 53 | NS: 154
Fine Young CannibalsFine Young CannibalsLondon, 828 004 1P:2,21% | MAX: 19 | NS: 1855
Like a rockBob Seger & the Silver Bullet BandCapitol, 3C 2405281P:2,14% | MAX: 55 | NS: 256
OverpowerDen HarrowBaby, BR 56096P:2,12% | MAX: 32 | NS: 2657
Formula 33[vari]Polystar, 816285 1P:1,99% | MAX: 26 | NS: 1058
AlbumPublic Image Ltd.Virgin, V 2366P:1,92% | MAX: 44 | NS: 259
Born in the U.S.A.Bruce SpringsteenCBS, CBS 86304P:1,88% | MAX: 3 | NS: 10160
HipswayHipswayMercury, 826 821 1P:1,76% | MAX: 60 | NS: 161
VictorialandCocteau Twins4AD, CAD 602P:1,67% | MAX: 61 | NS: 162
Precious momentsJermaine JacksonArista, 207 087P:1,65% | MAX: 40 | NS: 763
Saxremo '86Fausto PapettiCBS, 40-26905P:1,63% | MAX: 18 | NS: 1064
Live in New York CityJohn LennonParlophone, 64 2404851P:1,60% | MAX: 47 | NS: 1265
Innamorarsi in RivieraRaoul CasadeiMusica Solare, TL 34392P:1,54% | MAX: 65 | NS: 166
MacallaClannadRCA, PL 70894P:1,50% | MAX: 41 | NS: 467
Prima che sia troppo tardiRenzo ArboreFonit Cetra, STVL 6350P:1,49% | MAX: 4 | NS: 1568
Subway [OST]Eric SerraVirgin, V 2371P:1,46% | MAX: 68 | NS: 169
Steve McQueenPrefab SproutCBS, CBS 26522P:1,43% | MAX: 15 | NS: 3270
Rendez-vousJean Michel JarrePolydor, 829 125 1P:1,37% | MAX: 48 | NS: 571
Troppo forte [OST]Antonello VendittiHeinz Music, HLP 2371P:1,34% | MAX: 35 | NS: 872
Once upon a timeSimple MindsVirgin, V 2364P:1,31% | MAX: 2 | NS: 3173
Home of the braveLaurie AndersonWarner Bros, 92 5400 1P:1,27% | MAX: 73 | NS: 174
Out of Africa [OST]John BarryMCA, 25 2945 1P:1,26% | MAX: 55 | NS: 375
Senza un briciolo di testaMarcellaCBS, CBS 26885P:1,23% | MAX: 39 | NS: 1076
PiknicIvan GrazianiRCA, PL 71037P:1,23% | MAX: 76 | NS: 177
Ma cambieràFranco CalifanoRicordi, SMRL 6353P:1,20% | MAX: 77 | NS: 178
InsiemeChristianPhilips, 826 924 1P:1,20% | MAX: 57 | NS: 379
A modo nostroAntonio e MarcelloEMI, 64 1187441P:1,05% | MAX: 59 | NS: 280
Cantando per la mamma[vari]Durium, ms AI 77460P:1,02% | MAX: 60 | NS: 381
Fivelandia 3[vari]Five, FM 13549P:0,99% | MAX: 20 | NS: 1782
Brief encounterMarillionCapitol, MLP 15023P:0,94% | MAX: 56 | NS: 783
The ultimate sinOzzy OsbourneEpic, EPC 26404P:0,57% | MAX: 60 | NS: 1284
Nervous nightHootersCBS, CBS 26422P:0,53% | MAX: 61 | NS: 885
TurboJudas PriestCBS, CBS 26641P:0,52% | MAX: 65 | NS: 486
Storie di una storia solaToquinhoCGD, CGD 20489P:0,48% | MAX: 67 | NS: 287
Hits 4[vari]CBS, HITS 4P:0,47% | MAX: 62 | NS: 688
Born to fightVanadiumDurium, DAI 30420P:0,46% | MAX: 67 | NS: 389
Sanremo '86 [Ricordi][vari]Ricordi, TFSR 86P:0,28% | MAX: 9 | NS: 1590
Il gioiello del Nilo[OST]Jive, JIVE 7012P:0,25% | MAX: 44 | NS: 10