True blueMadonnaSire, 92 5442 1P:100,00% | MAX: 1 | NS: 92
Venditti e segretiAntonello VendittiHeinz Music, THLP 2372P:73,14% | MAX: 2 | NS: 83
Nuovi eroiEros RamazzottiDDD, DDD 26979P:65,88% | MAX: 1 | NS: 154
Senza avvisareFabio ConcatoPhilips, 830 037 1P:48,33% | MAX: 3 | NS: 145
The finalWham!Epic, EPC 88681P:38,54% | MAX: 4 | NS: 86
CockerJoe CockerCapitol, 64 2404241P:29,41% | MAX: 2 | NS: 247
SoPeter GabrielVirgin, PG 5P:28,58% | MAX: 3 | NS: 168
Invisible touchGenesisCharisma, GEN LP2P:27,46% | MAX: 6 | NS: 149
Bring on the nightStingA&M, 396705 1P:24,30% | MAX: 7 | NS: 1210
Festivalbar '86[vari]CGD, COM 21216P:23,15% | MAX: 7 | NS: 911
BugieLucio DallaPressing, ZL 70960P:21,44% | MAX: 1 | NS: 3412
RevengeEurythmicsRCA, PL 71050P:21,28% | MAX: 12 | NS: 1013
Oro puro estate [1986][vari]CBS, CBS 24076P:21,26% | MAX: 9 | NS: 914
RispettoZuccheroPolydor, 829 301 1P:20,65% | MAX: 12 | NS: 1715
Mixage n. 7[vari]Baby Records, BR 56100P:19,18% | MAX: 6 | NS: 916
Dancing on the ceilingLionel RichieMotown, ZL 72412P:16,12% | MAX: 16 | NS: 317
ManzoSquallorRicordi, STVL 6357P:13,99% | MAX: 17 | NS: 818
Don GiovanniLucio BattistiNumero Uno, PL 70991P:13,63% | MAX: 1 | NS: 2419
La vita è adessoClaudio BaglioniCBS, CBS 26533P:13,32% | MAX: 1 | NS: 6520
A kind of magicQueenEMI, 64 2405 311P:13,10% | MAX: 14 | NS: 1321
The bridgeBilly JoelCBS, CBS 86323P:12,38% | MAX: 21 | NS: 422
Knocked out loadedBob DylanCBS, CBS 86326P:10,97% | MAX: 17 | NS: 723
Whitney HoustonWhitney HoustonArista, ARS 39205P:10,83% | MAX: 21 | NS: 2624
Una lunga estate calda[vari]CGD, COM 22215P:9,47% | MAX: 21 | NS: 625
Mixtime 3[vari]EMI, 64 2610921P:7,52% | MAX: 20 | NS: 926
The dream of the blue turtlesStingA&M, 393 750 1P:6,73% | MAX: 1 | NS: 6227
Every beat of my heartRod StewartWarner Bros, 92 5446 1P:6,54% | MAX: 25 | NS: 1028
Back in the high lifeSteve WinwoodIsland, ILPS 9844P:6,38% | MAX: 27 | NS: 629
Flaunt itSigue Sigue SputnikEMI, 64 2405811P:6,00% | MAX: 29 | NS: 330
The queen is deadSmithsRough Trade, RGH 20508P:4,34% | MAX: 27 | NS: 1231
Modern loverSandy MartonCBS, CBS 26985P:4,32% | MAX: 13 | NS: 1432
Bambini foreverRigheiraCGD, CGD 20514P:3,73% | MAX: 32 | NS: 733
Deejay time special[vari]RCA, PL 34394P:3,63% | MAX: 16 | NS: 1434
OdisseaMangoFonit Cetra, LPX 149P:3,33% | MAX: 11 | NS: 2335
Branduardi canta YeatsAngelo BranduardiMusiza, 829 476 1P:3,22% | MAX: 14 | NS: 1636
Soggetti smarritiRenato ZeroZerolandia, ZL 34387P:2,84% | MAX: 3 | NS: 2137
Fiorella Mannoia [Sorvolando Eilat]Fiorella MannoiaAriston, AR LP 12429P:2,80% | MAX: 26 | NS: 1338
World machineLevel 42Polydor, 827 487 1P:2,73% | MAX: 38 | NS: 2139
Brothers in armsDire StraitsVertigo, 824 499 1P:2,64% | MAX: 4 | NS: 6240
S.O.S. brothersEnzo AvitabileEMI, 64 2405661P:2,22% | MAX: 36 | NS: 1341
FotografandoLoredana BertèCBS, CBS 57076P:2,14% | MAX: 38 | NS: 742
FahrenheitTotoCBS, CBS 57091P:1,97% | MAX: 42 | NS: 143
Vietato ai minoriIvan CattaneoCGD, CGD 20511P:1,90% | MAX: 42 | NS: 744
The seerBig CountryMercury, 826 844 1P:1,90% | MAX: 44 | NS: 545
PromiseSadeEpic, EPC 86318P:1,88% | MAX: 1 | NS: 4346
InsiemeChristianPhilips, 826 924 1P:1,80% | MAX: 43 | NS: 1747
Dirty workRolling StonesRolling Stones, CBS 86321P:1,72% | MAX: 4 | NS: 2348
IcebergKrismaCarosello, CLN 25114P:1,65% | MAX: 48 | NS: 649
Guancia a guanciaFred BongustoRicordi, SMRL 6354P:1,60% | MAX: 46 | NS: 750
Absolute beginners [integrale][OST]Virgin, VD 2514P:1,56% | MAX: 9 | NS: 1951
Canzoni per l'estate 1986 [CBS][vari]CBS, CBS 57063P:1,54% | MAX: 21 | NS: 1352
Flying mix [1986][vari]Many Records, 64 2610931P:1,54% | MAX: 37 | NS: 653
9 settimane e mezzo[OST]Capitol, 64 2404991P:1,45% | MAX: 2 | NS: 2754
I cantautoriMino ReitanoFive, FM 13564P:1,39% | MAX: 54 | NS: 1155
ParadePrince and the RevolutionPaisley Park, 92 5395 1P:1,37% | MAX: 12 | NS: 2156
Lena Biolcati [Io donna anch'io]Lena BiolcatiCGD, CGD 20505P:1,29% | MAX: 51 | NS: 1157
SalamandraMiguel BosèWEA, 24 0945 1P:1,23% | MAX: 16 | NS: 1358
Goes to HollywoodRichard ClaydermanRCA, PL 34396P:1,20% | MAX: 58 | NS: 1159
Il fiumeGarboPolydor, 827 970 1P:1,14% | MAX: 28 | NS: 1660
Lives in the balanceJackson BrowneAsylum, 96 0457 1P:1,12% | MAX: 26 | NS: 2461
Big worldJoe JacksonA&M, 396 021 1P:1,06% | MAX: 20 | NS: 2162
Baci rossiNadaEMI, 64 1187491P:1,02% | MAX: 32 | NS: 1463
Picture bookSimply RedElektra, 96 0452 1P:1,00% | MAX: 8 | NS: 4564
CommunardsCommunardsLondon, 828 016 1P:0,99% | MAX: 61 | NS: 265
Born in the U.S.A.Bruce SpringsteenCBS, CBS 86304P:0,94% | MAX: 3 | NS: 11366
Fine Young CannibalsFine Young CannibalsLondon, 828 004 1P:0,88% | MAX: 19 | NS: 2667
Once upon a timeSimple MindsVirgin, V 2364P:0,82% | MAX: 2 | NS: 3868
BlueDoublePolydor, 827 738 1P:0,79% | MAX: 6 | NS: 2869
From luxury to heartacheCulture ClubVirgin, V2380P:0,76% | MAX: 17 | NS: 2170
Rendez-vousJean Michel JarrePolydor, 829 125 1P:0,73% | MAX: 48 | NS: 1271
The colour of springTalk TalkEMI, 64 2404911P:0,70% | MAX: 7 | NS: 2772
Our favourite shopStyle CouncilPolydor, 825 700 1P:0,64% | MAX: 7 | NS: 4973
On the beachChris ReaMagnet, ZL 34382P:0,59% | MAX: 73 | NS: 174
Afternoons in UtopiaAlphavilleWEA, 24 0948 1P:0,57% | MAX: 35 | NS: 1175
Rat in the kitchenUB40DEP International, LP DEP 11P:0,55% | MAX: 75 | NS: 276
Landing on waterNeil YoungGeffen, 92 4109 1P:0,53% | MAX: 76 | NS: 177
Bangs & crashesGo WestChrysalis, CHR 14950 (2)P:0,52% | MAX: 77 | NS: 278
Eat 'em and smileDavid Lee RothWarner Bros, 92 5470 1P:0,50% | MAX: 78 | NS: 179
Raised on radioJourneyCBS, CBS 26902P:0,48% | MAX: 79 | NS: 680
One worldJohn DenverRCA, PL 85811P:0,46% | MAX: 80 | NS: 181
Deejay star-Festivalbar '86 in tour-Discoverde[vari]Five, FM 13566P:0,46% | MAX: 53 | NS: 482
Ruthless people[OST]Epic, EPC 70299P:0,32% | MAX: 39 | NS: 783
Let's go West[vari]WEA, 24 0429 1P:0,25% | MAX: 57 | NS: 7